Disaster In TOEFL Exam
Well... it is real that a disaster happened when i want to take my TOEFL exam.... When I reached the test center, a chinese woman told that we need our passport to certify our signature. If no passport, I can't take my exam. I was so scared cause I didn't bring my passport. So i talked to chinese women whether she can let me sit for the exam and I'll bring my passport later. That idiot women keep insisting that I must have my passport to allow me to sit. I quickly call my dad to come and called my sir.... I asked that women to talk to my sir.... I have to BEG her to talk to my sir.... Before my sir finish talking with her, she passed my handphone back to me.... And she do not want to let me to sit for the exam... When my dad come, my dad talked to her and ask her supervisor to come out. Before the supervisor come out, she told me that I can sit for the exam but I WILL NOT GET my score. But, when we talked to her supervisor, her supervisor said that she will write a remark stating that I do not have proper ID and the TOEFL will consider whether to give the score or not. Its 2 different thing. I was so pissed with the chinese lady. Curse her to hell..... So I went to sit for the exam. When I was having my break, she was supposed to tell me that my break was over. She was so arrogant when she call me.... That make me hate her more..... She is exactly like a b***h.... So hope and pray hard that I will get my TOEFL score.... and wish me luck.... Oh ya, the test was quite difficult.... So to people who want to take TOEFL, i advise you to take IELTS rather than TOEFL.... And it will the first and my last time going to the center to take the TOEFL exam....