A very short post!!!!  

Posted by Kelvin Hiu

Hey i know i have been idle from my blog for a while.... Was quite busy with works and other stuff... I had quite a great weekend with lots of work.... Went out with my malaccan frenz(alex, tzong meng, jia wei, loo han, nick, sharon, ester, lem teck peng, soon heng) to yam cha in McDonalds DP lol..... On sunday my family with my bro's colleague and frenz had bbq at my house.... had a lot of fun...... On monday on my way back, met a lot of incidents which was quite interesting.... (Lazy wana list out lol...) Today just survived from the experiment and my short presentation.... Well thats all for now.... Hav to get back to work.... Bubye

Random & short post lol......  

Posted by Kelvin Hiu

Well since i have some time.... ill just post some pics....

My bro with his & my god nephew lol....


Pataya rice in squarish shape but taste nice lol....

Rocky in 1 bunch lol.....

New Sem & The War Has Began!!!!!  

Posted by Kelvin Hiu

Well today is 3rd day of my new sem.... Kinda boring coming back to this university with bad food.... Been going out to eat this few days.... The whole uni is damn busy.... Its totally different from my 1st sem which is much better.. I really miss the old time which was very peaceful.... Haiz..... i got a few new lecturers.... Can't comment much... 1 of my lecturer reads my blog... lol.... joking lol..... Met my brother's friends (Douglas, Kah Peng, Melvin, Yau Fee and some other girls) and went out with them for lunch yesterday... I want more entertainment!!!! Its too boring.... BUT!!! My assignments are here.... A lot of stuff to do..... So kinda busy.... Don't complain if I do not update my blog.... I update today because I'm having free time now... My lecturer cancelled my first class LOL!!!! Thats all for now.... Toodles...